Sunday, June 17, 2012

The gate goes blue

Our front gate had two problems. Problem one: the latch didn't close automatically like most of our neighbours', so whenever the postman came and tried to shut it behind him, it would spring back with a loud CLAAAAAANG, and was therefore pretty much always open, unless L or I took the time to lift up the latch and make sure it was closed properly. Finally, when I was past my due date, I'd had enough and set about fixing it. And it was fixed and amazing to have it close so easily and peacefully behind oneself....until we had a really rainy week and the latch rusted over again. So, when Marek was here, we put on a brand new latch and it is so satisfying to have the gate closing beautiful with minimal effort.

Problem 2: the flaking, green metallic paint, as illustrated below.
Not illustrated very well, I realise, but take my word for it, it was pealing and rusty.

...Though not any more!

Behold our beautiful, smurf-ified gate!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

More work around the house

So, guests keep coming to see J and give us a bit of a break....but instead they seem to end up getting roped into our home improvement projects.

This time, it was M, who spent a week with us helping us to:
1. Build a new veg bed
2. Install a door

2b. ....and door handle

3. And give the camellia a bit of a trim

And, of course, give J lots of cuddles.
Perhaps not the most relaxing holiday, but definitely appreciated by us!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring growth

We've made more progress in the garden over the last few weeks - thanks this time to L.'s parents. During their visit, we managed to get some of the veggies planted.
The other main veg bed is ready for planting (if it ever stops raining!)
And, most excitingly for me, the alpines and succulents have nestled in.
We, ehem, might have over estimated how many plants we'd need for the little rock garden, so I have sadly been forced to plant another alpine/succulent garden that I can admire from the comfort of the lean-to.

And speaking of the lean-to, it's now filled with seedlings...most of them pepper seedlings (perhaps we went a little overboard...). As you can see from the first photo, we've had to resort to advance cat-protection measures.

After the great slug feast of 2011, we've decided the lettuces are probably safer inside.

They seem happy enough in the window sill, though I'm a little afraid the slugs have heard rumours of the sweet delicacies as I've found not one, but three intrepid slugs in the house in the past few days.

And finally, the little squawker is also growing like crazy - so much so that I'm a little worried about how long his 0-3 month clothes will fit!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In the garden

Thanks to the arrival of two eager baby holders, L has been very busy in the garden.

The veg bed has been prepared and is ready for planting.

L. has made further fortification of the fruit patch.
Dad managed to put 2.0 down long enough to paint the fence.
It's looking extremely nice and it's brilliant to have that checked off the list of things to do this summer.

And the most exciting thing of all, L. managed to build the rock garden we've been talking about for months now.

It was so cute that we couldn't resist planting an alpine...

....or two....

...or, ehm, more...

(The cats, as you see, are feeling a little camera-neglected at the moment).
Baby holder in action:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

2.0 is here!

...and ready to model my creations!

The hat has been great - easy to put on and so darn cute in action.

The sweater has been less useful. However, this is due to the very lovely spring weather we've been having, so I'm certainly not complaining!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Preparing for our new release

2.0 hasn't yet made his entrance into the world, so I've been stuck twiddling my thumbs and reading far too many parenting books. Several of them were adamant that no newborn should be born into a room without a blackout curtain. While I don't necessarily agree with much of their advice (I'm looking at you, Gina Ford), it did seem like it would be nice for naps to have the option of darkness (especially for us adults). So, this weekend's project was a blackout curtain.
It's a little hard to photograph it as it does its job extremely well.
It's also my first lined curtain and I'm very pleased.

Along with the curtain, we've set up 2.0's cot (which has made our little bedroom seem all the smaller!).
I've also crocheted him a wee dragon.

Curtain, his own bed, and his own little dragon - how could 2.0 possibly resist coming soon?!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good fences, part II

We were hoping to wait until summer to get the last bit of fence fixed up, but a wind storm had other plans.
Much as we like Barbara and her dog Toby, this was a little too cozy for comfort.

So, we set about getting a new fence put in. L. has been getting all sorts of various illnesses this past month, and, as you can see, I'm not in the most helpful of shapes....

 It was clear we'd need at least a little help. Fortunately, the chap who helped L. and Neighbour-on-the-otherside with that fence was available. And, even better, L. started to feel better and was able to give a hand.
End result: a beautiful, sturdy fence in just a weekend and a bit.
Ahhhh, lovely privacy again.

In other garden-related news, the unseasonably warm January has meant that we have colour in the garden....
(still blooming from the fall!)

It certainly doesn't seem like winter....