Sunday, June 17, 2012

The gate goes blue

Our front gate had two problems. Problem one: the latch didn't close automatically like most of our neighbours', so whenever the postman came and tried to shut it behind him, it would spring back with a loud CLAAAAAANG, and was therefore pretty much always open, unless L or I took the time to lift up the latch and make sure it was closed properly. Finally, when I was past my due date, I'd had enough and set about fixing it. And it was fixed and amazing to have it close so easily and peacefully behind oneself....until we had a really rainy week and the latch rusted over again. So, when Marek was here, we put on a brand new latch and it is so satisfying to have the gate closing beautiful with minimal effort.

Problem 2: the flaking, green metallic paint, as illustrated below.
Not illustrated very well, I realise, but take my word for it, it was pealing and rusty.

...Though not any more!

Behold our beautiful, smurf-ified gate!