Thursday, November 12, 2009


Now that we've officially moved in, two main concerns have presented themselves:
  1. Everything's in boxes! And, unfortunately, our packing style is haphazard at best....
  2. We're reluctant to unpack boxes considering the sheer amount of dust & dirt still filling the house.
So, in an effort to speed the unpacking, we've tackled the living room floor. Phase 1 was undertaken with a naive optimism and consisted of hand mopping. The result seemed suspiciously as though the dirt had merely been spread around.
Phase 1 results:
From Briar Crescent

For Phase 2, we were better prepared: new mop, multiple mop heads and sparkling wine. L. and I worked out an assembly line--L. mopped a foot-square area, brought the mop to me, I put on new mop head, L. mopped, I cleaned the old mop head. Rinse & repeat. The results on our test area were promising, so Phase 2 was a larger-scale implementation of the processes trialed in Phase 1, with the addition of scraping off by hand the large clumps of plaster and pulling out extraneous staples and nails.
Phase 3 results:
From Briar Crescent

Now, it might not look like much, but we can actually see the floor now. And I'm sure the air is cleaner already....

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