Sunday, June 27, 2010

When the Polish guests were here....

We had amazing food:
From Briar Crescent

In the garden:
From Briar Crescent

And the necessary mess in the kitchen
From Briar Crescent

miraculously cleaned (whilst we drank tea)
From Briar Crescent

Summer solstice was celebrated appropriately
From Briar Crescent

From Briar Crescent

From Briar Crescent

From Briar Crescent

And now that they've left us, we have a whole freezer full of vodka
From Briar Crescent

to remember them by (provided we don't drink too much):
From Briar Crescent

Come back soon, Polish guests!

1 comment:

  1. We will come back! With more vodka! :D /Olga
